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Who Was the Best Joker?

The Joker, Batman’s greatest nemesis, is widely regarded as one of the best comic book villains of all time. His murky, often non-existent backstory granted a number of actors the freedom to shape the character through their own artistic lens. From the 1960’s live-action TV show ”Batman,” to Mark Hamill’s appearances in multiple animated Batman projects, this group of actors who portrayed the Joker, all delivered impressive performances. Who was the best Joker? Continue on and decide for yourself.

14 of the Most Valuable Toys from the 90s

During the 90s, the world was transitioning into a new era of connectivity ushered in by the Internet. The combination of companies’ decades-long experience in manufacturing paired with the cutting-edge technology of the day made for some very interesting innovations and creative products, especially when it came to children’s toys and games. Today, some of our favorites toys and games from the 90s are worth a fortune. Use this list of extremely valuable toys as a guide next time you’re looking through old stuff at your parents’ house. Maybe you'll find an old Beanie Baby that happens to be worth $50,000.

This Jetpack Makes Human Flight Possible

Jetman Dubai experiments with human flight using a carbon fiber, jet engine-powered wingsuit designed by Swiss military-trained pilot Yves Rossy. Previously, pilots had to be dropped from an aircraft or jump from extreme heights to take flight, but February 14, 2020 marked a huge milestone. A pilot launched from the ground and climbed to 3,000 feet for the first time! Continue on for photos from this momentous occasion and some of the Jetman crew’s other flights. Make sure to follow them on Instagram at @jetman for more information on this amazing project.

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Easy Crossword
If you are looking for a quick, free, easy online crossword, you've come to the right place! Enjoy honing your skills with this free daily crossword edited by Stan Newman, America’s foremost expert in fine-tuning crosswords to give you the gentlest challenge to be found anywhere. Each of Stan’s Easy Crosswords have an easy-to-understand theme, all-easy answers, all-easy clues, and hardly any trivia at all. That’s what makes them great for beginners, or for adults to do together with children, or for anyone looking for a quick and satisfying mental escape.

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Fotos antiguas de Angelina Jolie justo antes de su gran oportunidad

Angelia Jolie se desempeña como actriz, cineasta, humanitaria y enviada especial ante el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados. Como hija de dos actores de Hollywood, Jolie estaba preparada para ser el centro de atención. Su padre Jon Voight es un actor legendario, aunque fue el trabajo de su madre Marcheline Bertrand lo que influyó en su decisión de dedicarse a la actuación. Dé un paseo por el camino de los recuerdos y explore fotografías raras de una sesión de fotos que Angelina hizo en 1994, justo antes de su destacada actuación en la película "Hackers".

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Activists sue Johnson administration over DNC protests, say Chicago isn’t ready

CHICAGO — As protests surge across America just months before the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, activists representing LGBTQ+ and women’s reproductive rights say Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration is violating their First Amendment rights and is unprepared for the onslaught of dissidents headed to the city this August. The claims were made as Bodies Outside of Unjust Laws ...

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